
Below are the ten academic research on laughter yoga summarized by American School Of Laughter Yoga .   In Hong Kong, we also have various students from psychology department and mental health department conduct research on laughter yoga. We welcome to conduct acedamic research project together with different universities, organizations and corporates to discover more amazing benefits of laughter yoga.

1. 工作間的工作效率:大笑瑜伽提升員工的士氣、抗逆力及個人效能信念

Workplace Efficiency: Laughter Yoga Enhances employees morale, resilience, and personal efficacy beliefs.


This study measured the impact of a purposeful aerobic laughter intervention on employees’ sense of self-efficacy in the workplace.

2.  工作壓力:大笑瑜伽如何協助IT專業人士過渡工作壓力

  Workplace Stress: The Efficacy of Laughter Yoga on IT Professionals to Overcome Professional Stress.

是次研究量度20分鐘的大笑瑜伽環節對200位健康的印度孟買IT電話熱線中心員工的影響。(另有一個平衡研究: 開懷大笑對壓力和自然殺手細胞活動的影響。)

This study measured the impact of  20-minute laugh-yoga sessions on 200 healthy normotensive IT call- center workers in Mumbai, India. (a parallel study to this one is ”The Effect of Mirthful Laughter on Stress and Natural Killer Cell Activity“)

3. 大笑治療對長者的抑鬱、認知及睡眠情況的影響。

Effects of laughter therapy on depression, cognition and sleep among the community-dwelling elderly.


This study investigated the effects of laughter therapy on depression, cognitive function, quality of life, and sleep of the elderly in a community.

4. 給年長抑鬱婦女的大笑瑜伽與小組運動隨機對照測試

Laughter Yoga versus group exercise program in elderly depressed women: a randomized controlled trial.


The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Kataria’s Laughter Yoga and group exercise therapy in decreasing depression and increasing life satisfaction in older adult women of a cultural community of Tehran, Iran.

5. 大笑治療對中風病人的身心社交的影響

Bio Psycho-Social Impact of Laughter Therapy on Stroke Patients.

是次研究由南非的大學社會工作及社區發展講師負責。研究內容包括跟社區的40 至90歲的中風病人透過120節大笑治療環節包括大笑技巧、呼吸練習(瑜伽式腹式呼吸)及認知重整。

The study comprised 120 laughter therapy sessions using various laughter techniques, pranayama (deep yogic breathing exercises) and cognitive restructuring conducted on stroke patients between the ages of 40 to 90 in the Verulam Frail Care Community. It was done by Dr. Gita Suraj Narayan, a Senior Lecturer at the School of Social Work and Community Development, University of Kwazulu-Natal.

6. 大笑和音樂能降血壓

Laughter and music could lower your blood pressure.


This one was done in Japan and published in 2011.

7. 大笑和運動對日本社區長者的生理及心理影響:隨機小組研究

Effects of a laughter and exercise program on physiological and psychological health among community-dwelling elderly in Japan: Randomized controlled trial

8. 首次試驗計劃:大笑瑜伽對等待器官移植的病人的情緒及心率的影響

Effect of Laughter Yoga on Mood and Heart Rate Variability in Patients Awaiting Organ Transplantation: A Pilot Study

9. 大笑瑜伽的心理影響: 量度澳洲維多利亞地區的大笑俱樂部參加者的幸福指數

The psychological impact of Laughter Yoga: Measuring Wellbeing in Laughter Yoga Clubs across Victoria, Australia

10. 大笑瑜伽的心理影響:墨爾本的企業一個月大笑瑜伽計劃中的結果

The psychological impact of Laughter Yoga: Findings from a one-­month Laughter Yoga program with a Melbourne Business.