「在2017/18學年,教育局合共收到480宗申請涵蓋至確診患有精神病的中、小學生,包括抑鬱症、焦慮症及思覺失調等「學習支援津貼」。不過,根據醫管局同年度數字,截至去年底,一共有2,700名18歲或以下人士,在公立醫院確診患有行為及情緒障礙、精神分裂及抑鬱症。」  – HK01 2018-09-01 香港小學生抑鬱狀況研究調查 : 一成呈抑鬱 兩成感壓力  [注意!閱讀後壓力指數有機會上升!] 2017年的浸信會愛羣社會服務處進行「香港小學生抑鬱狀況調查」,發現 13.2%受訪學童受抑鬱情緒困擾,即每七個小學生有一個出現抑鬱徵 狀,當中更有 9.7%呈嚴重抑鬱徵狀,若以本學年小學生總人數 349,008 作推算, 即全港有超過 33,000 名小學生的抑鬱傾向已達臨床水平 ,而逾兩成(21.7%)受訪學童經常感壓力。




In 2017/18, Education Bureau received 480 application for Learning Support Grant for students diagnosed with mental illness such as Depression, Anxiety and Schizophrenia. However according to the statistics from Hospital Authority, there are 2,700 patients aged under 18 being diagnosed with mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia and dysthymic disorder.

– article by HK01 news

In 2017, the research on Hong Kong Primary School Students Depression by NGO Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service founded 13.2% primary school students has depression symptoms, and 9.7% of primary school students has severe depression symptoms. While 21.7% students often feel stressed.

Let's do the prevention & education work by [P.E.A.C.E. Project]

We care about the mental health of students by providing a series of experiential learning about compassion, gratitude, happiness, stress management. All these components are developed by training and doing the community laughing volunteers for the seniors. Not only being the service for the seniors, the students have the chance to share their daily life with the seniors and their peers in a safe way to build up their emotion support network.

以下的單位也為同學安排了P.E.A.C.E.計劃:曾壁山中學、香港仔坊會、嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院以及更多。 They also organized Laugh For P.E.A.C.E..Project for their students: Tsang Pik Shan Secondary School, Aberdeen Kai-Fong Welfare Association, St. Mary’s Canossian College and many more. 請填寫下表以取得計劃詳情及報價。 Please fill in the form below for requesting project information and quotation.